
Chats, Chores + Char

Start date: 24 Jul 2023
End date: 28 Jul 2023
Location: The Od Electric

Blackpool’s community theatre, the Old Electric, invites you to be part of its creative community. To celebrate its third birthday, the OE is giving the venue a summer spruce up and wants to hear your ideas. Join them from 10am-6pm at their open house where you’ll be given volunteering jobs such as painting, cleaning, technical and artistic projects, soft furnishing updates, lifting, shifting and admin-ing. Volunteers should arrive at either 10am or 1pm each day and be prepared to get dirty! There will be tea and biscuits at 11-11.30am and 3-3.30pm each day where you can share your views about what they should be doing more of and to answer any questions about future opportunities.

Reclaim Blackpool - Mapping Sexual Harrasment
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    Antonia Charlesworth Stack is a journalist and editor from Blackpool. She was deputy editor of Big Issue North magazine and is editor of Blackpool Social Club. Antonia is also the founder of Reclaim Blackpool, a women's safety campaign that began life as an article she wrote for Blackpool Social Club. She's a contributing author to the Lancashire Stories anthology with her story about a Blackpool performer, The Call of The Sea. The book is available for free in libraries across the county.