
The preview of the night of the launch of the Book of Colin

There are few people in Blackpool who do as much to promote the spoken word as Colin Davies.  As the organiser of the Lancashire Dead Good Poets’ Society open mic events, he is a popular, humorous and charismatic host.  He has been instrumental in raising the profile of poetry in the area and has shared the stage with such well known names as Tony Walsh and Mark Grist.

Colin is already established as a writer of fiction for children.  His first two books, Mathamagical and Anagramaphobia, have been written to encourage children to engage with maths in a fun, fictional environment.  Mathamagical is currently number 31 in Amazon’s Kindle store for intermediate readers.  That’s quite an achievement for a self-published book.

This Friday evening, at the Catholic Club on Queen Street, Colin will be launching his first book of poetry, The Book of Colin, which is already available on Amazon.  The poetry covers a range of topics, from hate and love to childhood and loss.  Poetry legend John Hegley has read the book ahead of its release and picked out ‘Once’ as his favourite.  Mark Grist, of Youtube fame, favoured ‘Poor Kitty Breaks’ and ‘Looking Out’.  On Friday, Colin will be sharing the stage with Trevor Meaney, a performance poet known for his ability to weave darkness and light and for taking home the trophy whenever he enters a slam, Rich Davenport, the winner of last month’s prestigious Spotlight Slam in Lancaster, and Big Charlie Poet, a performer who is known across Lancashire for his ability to write about difficult subjects with humanity and wit.  As if that wasn’t a line up to entice one and all, open mic slots will also be available on the night (contact Colin at o[email protected] to secure your place).

I spoke to Colin about his connection to poetry ahead of the event:

What inspired you to start writing poetry?

I’ve always loved poetry. Going all the way back to Captain Beaky. From then on I’ve found a great creative release in writing poetry. Finding the Lancashire Dead Good Poets has given me a confidence in my work, and has really pushed me to write a lot more.

Who or what inspires you now?

I’m inspired by everything. One day I might write something political, another day something of nonsense. I always write my first draft from the heart, so everything I write, poetry wise, has a piece of me in it. Though sometimes it’s difficult to see, it’s there.

What would you like readers to gain from reading your book?

Something for them. It doesn’t matter to me if people get what I was meaning.  If they get something out of it, even if it’s just one line, I feel like I’ve done a good job.

What are your aspirations?

I’m not sure. Probably fame, but the hard way. Writing for a living, being known for it, that’s always been a dream. But I’m happy with what I’ve achieved already.

Can we have a sneak peek?


Stage Fright

Heartbeat set to increase
Will they like these lines?
Or should I retreat
Back to the hole that inspires me?

The dark place
That room
This is too soon
Put me further down the list
I could throw a fit
To get me out of it

Stepping up
I gaze at the burnt-out match
Like a carbonate sperm
A coal ice cream
Inside I scream
And see the evil transformer
Become a killing machine
Short breath, ad nauseum

I see the mimic demon sitting in its cage
Waiting for me to speak
So it can relay
My lies to the shoutie-imp
Locked in the speaker clink
Kiss the black rose
And kill this nervous beast


Doors open at 7pm on Friday night.  Entrance is by donation with all proceeds going to Brian House and Trinity Hospice.  For more information, see the event page on Facebook.


The Book of Colin

Reclaim Blackpool - Mapping Sexual Harrasment
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