
Back to the 80s with China Crisis

China Crisis

If you were born after 1989 or so, you may be puzzled by the name China Crisis and why are they coming to Thornton Little Theatre in October. If however, you were around in the 80s then as die-hard fans you will be pleased to know that China Crisis are touring.

With five top ten hits including Black Man Ray and Wishful Thinking, this rock-pop band from Liverpool will hit the spot and refresh your taste with their original hits plus some new material.

Original duo Gary Dale and Eddie Lundon make up the band who last year released their new album Autumn in the Neighbourhood. Released via the Pledge Music website it is their first studio album for 21 years, and contains eleven newly written songs, some of which will be performed on the evening.

A firm favourite from the 80s alongside their Liverpool contemporaries including OMD, Frankie Goes to Hollywood and Echo and the Bunnymen, the band are looking forward to returning to the intimate surroundings of Thornton Little Theatre for the second time.

Speaking about the gig Gary said: “It was a great crowd at our gig last year and we are very much looking forward to returning to Thornton.”

Thornton Little Theatre is the perfect venue to enjoy some memorable songs from your youth on a winter evening.

So if you prefer the more gentile genre of pop music from the eighties, China Crisis will probably float your boat. Or if you’re a younger audience and have never listed to their music, why not extend your eclectic taste and book yourselves some tickets.

Either way China Crisis are sure to leave you entranced in the decade that launched the success of them and many other pop bands alike.

China Crisis play Thornton Little Theatre on Saturday 1 October and tickets are on sale now priced £16. For more information or to book call Wyre Theatres on 01253 887693 or visit www.wyretheatres.co.uk


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    Local artist, (painting, drawing, collage, and occasional photography, (for reference), of landscape, and abstract, in oil, acrylic, and any other medium which captures my imagination. Contributor, and writer for altBlackpool. Collector, of sometimes anything, but mostly pot, and ceramics.

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