Fans of quality live stand up in Wyre haven’t had a lot of options of late. Jongleurs have a couple of events each year at the Marine Hall in Fleetwood and that’s about it. But that’s about to change with Twelve introducing comedy nights in their newly refurbished restaurant at Thornton.
Mushy Pea Comedy kicks off on Tuesday 13 September. As the title suggests the evening gets underway with a fish and chip supper, not forgetting green vegetable accompaniment. There will then be three acts for the audience to enjoy – Lewis ‘Big Lou’ Jones, Steve Royle and Phil Walker.
Lewis Jones, aka Big Lou, came to professional stand up fairly late in life but has been a fixture on the northern comedy circuit for several years. A heavyweight performer in every sense of the word, his previous work has included appearing in Manford’s Comedy Club and at Manchester Comedy Store. These days he runs six regular comedy nights across the north west of England.
Steve Royle is a comedian and radio presenter who is probably best known on the Fylde for his regular appearances in the Grand’s now annual panto and he’s back there for Aladdin this year. His TV performances have included Phoenix Nights and Max & Paddy. He also spent twelve years as the court jester at the much missed Camelot Theme Park and is a very accomplished juggler.
Phil Walker recently featured in these pages in a review of Nina Conti at Lytham Festival earlier this month, where he provided a very well received support. Since then he has been performing at the Edinburgh Festival. An accomplished pantomime performer himself, he wrote, directed and appeared in Sleeping Beauty at Preston Guild Hall last year where he will return in Jack & The Beanstalk this coming festive season.
If you book before the end of the month fish and chips and three acclaimed stand ups can be yours for just a tenner. Tickets sold after this will cost £15, subject to availability. For more information or to book call Twelve on 01253 821212, lines are open 9.45am to 11pm except Monday when the restaurant is closed.
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