
An exciting collaboration will take place in the ever experimental Abingdon Studio Project Space, which over the last 12 months has hosted residencies, held screenings, exhibitions and talks by contemporary arts practitioners.

It Shouldn’t Really Work is an investigation of space, by Tina Dempsey and Tom Harforth will launch on Thursday 6 October from 6-8pm. Light refreshments will be provided and all are welcome to enjoy the evening and meet other artists and creatives.

The artists met whilst studying BA Fine Art at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, opposites in most aspects both personally and creatively; loud versus quite, older versus younger, rural versus urban, meticulous versus spontaneous.

Rather than create a void these differences cultivated a creative discourse, highlighted a shared experimental approach to process and materials and began a friendship.

Both Dempsey and Harforth explore and document varying spaces within their separate practices, this exhibition aims to offer a collaborative investigation of both the gallery space and their work.

The exhibition continues from 7-12 October between 1pm-4pm (except Tuesday 11 Oct where the exhibit is closed). For more information visit the Abingdon Studios Facebook page or follow on Twitter @AbingdonStudios.

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