
Something or Nothing is the largest group exhibition installed at Abingdon Studios to date, with eighteen artists working nationally and at varying stages in their careers being invited by each studio member. Although diverse in its make-up, the show brings together common traits through small, bitesized, miniature works–things which may simply be small, parts of larger constructions, or speculative utterances of things to come.

Working practices, on occasion, may necessitate smallness, given limitations on space or transportability; smallness may make a quiet stand against the grandiose or the overstated; or perhaps the small invites closeness. Small works may not command attention as with their larger counterparts, so where does work whose scale may suggest domesticity, insignificance, or preciousness belong?

You can develop your own answers to these questions at the preview event this Thursday 15th March, between 6 and 8pm.  Exhibiting artists include Laura Barnes, Jack Brown, Brendan Bunting, Tao Lashley-Burnley, Ann Carragher, Bethany Costerd, Tina Dempsey, Joseph Doubtfire, Ian Doughty, Pippa Eason, Garth Gratrix, Jodie Guest, Tom Ireland, Josephine Lees, Sean Payne, Sheyda Porter, Juneau Projects, Judith Stewart and Matt Wilkinson.

One of Abingdon Studios’ Directors and exhibitor Garth Gratrix says:

We are very pleased with the standard of work this show offers and its diversity. Its themes and aesthetics will appeal to most studying or practicing artists developing work and give insight to the subtleties and complexities that lead artists to develop ideas.

The event page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/158914131436300/?ti=icl.  You can also check out the Project space programme via the website at www.abingdonstudios.org.uk.

*Abingdon Studios Project Space is located on the Upper Floor of the facility and accessible by stairs only.

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