Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Jekyll and Hyde is a phrase often used to describe a person who is somewhat temperamental and has a tendency to mood swings, but of course the origins of the phrase began way back in 1885 when the novel of the same name was written by Robert Louis Stevenson. Since then, the gothic thriller has been presented in many films, TV series and stage shows, and now it is the turn of Blackpool’s Grand Theatre to present a stage adaptation of this story next week.
Starring Phil Daniels, Jekyll and Hyde is a twisted tale of nerve jangling horror dealing with good and evil as Dr Jekyll experiments to separate the two with disastrous results.
The normally mild mannered Henry Jekyll, absorbed by his experiments, inadvertently unleashes the evil persona of Edward Hyde. As the sinister figure of Hyde begins to create terror and havoc on the foggy streets of London, Jekyll must race to find a cure for his monstrous alter ego before it takes over for good.
Prepare to be very afraid as Hyde creates a reign of terror with his heinous deeds as his evil threatens to take over the good Dr Jekyll for ever.
Jekyll and Hyde comes to Blackpool Grand Theatre 27 to 31 March. For more information or to book tickets visit blackpoolgrand.co.uk or call the box office on 01253 290 290.
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