Don’t get me wrong, I love the new trams (actually six years in service now) and can’t wait for them to be meeting the new electric trains at the railway station, but the ‘heritage‘ trams are also great each one being a coach built design classic. Big respect to Jane Cole and her Blackpool Transport Transport team for getting those lovely vehicles out there and integrating them with the Flexity II fleet. Now heritage fleet king pin, Bryan Lindop, has come up with a belting ghost tram wheeze, combining the Fylde’s pioneering public transport history with its rich ghost story tradition.
Behind all that candy floss, kiss-me-quick s*** lurks a blood curdlingly dark Fylde Coast past. Tales of this will entertain and terrify people, while they sit on the heritage ghost tram that might suddenly seem more alive than one might want as it barrels its way up to Fleetwood. Stephen Mercer (aka The Victorian Ghost Hunter), author of Haunted Blackpool, host of the popular Blackpool Ghost Walks, and founder of award-winning local eerie events company Supernatural Events will host these tours. Stephen will recount tales of the supernatural, ghosts, hauntings, myth, mystery and the macabre! I’m personally quivering already and I once projected the film Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
Stephen says:
We did five tours during last year‘s Illuminations. As well as selling out, we received some really positive comments. The Ghost Tram certainly captured people’s imagination. Having presented the Blackpool Ghost Walks for the last seven years, it’s fantastic to go further afield using a heritage tram as a mobile theatre for even more stories. It’s going to be a fun and quite spooky 2018 with the Blackpool Ghost Walks happening as well!”
The Ghost Tram during the main summer season and throughout the Illuminations from 2 July to 29 October. Departures are from the Pleasure Beach Heritage Tram stop at 7.30pm. The tour will go all the way to Fleetwood return, lasting approximately two hours. Prices are £9.50 per adult, £4.00 child or £21.00 for a family of four (2 adults and 2 children – children must be under 16 years of age).
Bryan Lindop, Head of Heritage at Blackpool Transport Services Ltd, said:
“Working with a natural story teller is a joy, creating the perfect combination of heritage trams with spine-tingling ghostly Fylde coast goings on. Public feedback has been exceptional previously. Stephen delivers his show as the Victorian Ghost Hunter with ghoulish relish. The tours are not for the faint-hearted, but are uniquely popular with young and old alike. Tickets will go with poltergeist like force, so do book early.”
Tickets for this thrilling supernatural experience must be booked in advance! Please call
Emma on Blackpool 01253 209521
or email your contact details to [email protected] and they will call you back. More information can be found at
If you are a glutton for punishment, details of the Blackpool Ghost Walks can be found from or from the Promenade Tourist Information Centre.
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