
Interview: Ellamarie Thornhill

The next in a line-up of superb artistic talent to be featured at Caffe Dolce is Ellamarie Thornhill.  altblackpool caught up with her ahead of last night’s preview to find out what she’s all about:

Vicky Ellis: Fight or flight?
Ellamarie Thornhill: Fight for what you believe in but I don’t condone violence of any sort.

VE: Tell me about your childhood.
ET: I have been painting and drawing every since I can remember.  My family say I have been drawing ever since I could pick up a crayon. Throughout my childhood I was massively impassioned about anything creative and I excelled beyond my years. This passion has carried on and continues to take me on journeys of self discovery.

VE: “Light compels the viewer.” (Mary Todd Beam) Please discuss.
ET:  Through evolution light has made us form sight, without light we would have no sight in evolutionary terms. When light goes to darkness our sight is dulled, light helps lifts the veil of darkness, enlightening the viewer and opening the possibilities of what we think we can do.  It helps us discover that the human mind can achieve big things. Humans are innately drawn to light as the possibilities. hopes and aspirations are brought to the fore with the association of light. Light compels the viewer.

My personal favorite quote of Marry Todd Beam is:

We are painters first, artists always, and as such not bound by anything but our innate desire to create.

VE: “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” (Pablo Picasso) Or perhaps every artist is a child?
ET: Creativity, open mindedness, and playing are words associated with children. Words like narrow mindedness, hard working, job and money are words associated with adults.  These words sound hard, unwavering, stubborn. The words associated with children are far more positive and encourage the idea of possibilities and striving for what you can achieve. Considering all this, I think if we were more open-minded, more willing to be more creative in our jobs, society could be healthier and more efficient. Artists tend to approach life in a childlike manner.  Creativity and open-mindedness are essential to an artist, maybe we are children but that isn’t a bad thing.

VE: Owl or lark?
ET: I would consider myself to be an owl because I tend to stay up late painting and thinking about my concepts and I’m not at my most functional in the mornings. It takes me a couple hours to wake up properly.

VE: Town or country?SAM_1403
ET: I live in a town but I’m a country girl at heart. Country walks help clear my mind.

VE:  This question represents a pause into which you may raise any topic you choose. Or not.
ET: My current concept is protection of the delicate where I have been exploring how we can protect delicate things and how sometimes in protecting something we can harm it.

My current show at Caffe Dolce is a part of this body of work. This show is called seruans delicata which is latin for protecting of the delicate.

VE: Inspire me.

ET: This quote always inspires me, hopfully it’ll spark something in you:

In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it.
(Ernst fischer)


You can follow Ellamarie on her Facebook page.

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