Following the release of their debut EP ‘U Ok Hun?’ In December 2019, Blackpool-based noise rock band, ‘Those F**King Snowflakes’ have released their follow up, ‘Straight Wealthy White Male Suffrage.’
As evident from the tracks’ titles, the group formed in November 2018 as a release for the members’ frustration and anger at the current state of affairs in the UK. However, despite their controversial lyrics, the group’s debut, ‘Stop Being Dickheads To Each Other’ garnered support and airtime on Tom Robinson’s BBC 6music show.
‘Straight Wealthy White Male Suffrage’ is the group’s second EP released on 19 June. Comprising of 5 ‘rants’, the lead single features a unique video. After lockdown not only put the brakes on the group’s upcoming live gigs, including a now-cancelled performance at Rebellion Punk Festival, but also created the problem of how to create a video in quarantine. They solved this issue by enlisting the support of strong women they knew to create clips of themselves doing whatever they felt like; mirroring the empowering message of the track.

“Only weak men, fear strong women
They fear a wold that no longer needs them
Fragile egos, with nothing to offer
Incels, smug grinned dinosaurs – get gone”
Only Weak Men Fear Strong Women
“The UK based band – Blackpool to be specific – like every other group in the world has been in seclusion during the past few months but that hasn’t stopped them from releasing this five song EP which will blow your socks off. They are part of a new generation of punks stepping up these days in reaction to the nasty swing to the right their country has taken in recent years.”
As we look forward to the return of live gigs, let’s support a local group with a candid, passionate voice through online streaming.
Or check them out on Soundcloud.
Those Fucking Snowflakes · Straight Wealthy White Male Suffrage
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