
Funding boost for Fleetwood’s historic town centre

Fleetwood’s historic high street is one of 14 across the North West set to receive funding for its revitalisation project. The high street project will improve historic shop fronts and draw visitors from the market to the town centre

Wyre Council and a consortium of partners will work with Historic England to develop and deliver a plan that will transform and restore disused and dilapidated buildings into new homes, shops, work places and community spaces, restoring local historic character and improving public spaces.

Government funding of £1,792,362 has been confirmed and the project fully worked up for Fleetwood high street, which is among 14 historic high streets across the North West that are struggling and in need of revitalising.

For the past several months Wyre Council, the lead partner in the High Street Heritage Action Zone, has been working up the details of their project. Delivered through Historic England’s Heritage Action Zone initiative, it will breathe new life into the historic high street and 13 others across the North West. The projects will bring physical improvements and cultural activities to regenerate and restore local historic character.

Spare Parts at Tram Sunday 2014, Dawn Mander
What can we expect for Fleetwood High Street?

Fleetwood is a planned Victorian new town designed for Sir Peter Hesketh-Fleetwood by eminent architect Decimus Burton in 1841. The town is characterised by its geometric plan, with squares, crescents and radial roads. It was once a thriving fishing town and the fish processing industry is still a local employer, as is manufacture of traditional lozenges Fisherman’s Friends, made in Fleetwood since 1865. But deep sea fishing has declined, the Stena ferry to Ireland closed in 2010 and the ICI chemical plant, a big employer, also closed down, leading to increased unemployment and a decline in visitor numbers.

The number of empty shops has been increasing over the past few years and the high street, defined by its decorative red brick buildings, has attracted vandalism and anti-social behaviour. Poor maintenance and low quality signage up and down the high street have also affected its character. 

This High Street Heritage Action Zone sets out to create a natural gateway into the town centre, bringing more visitors from the market, the main draw for visitors to the town, and the seafront onto the high street. With £1,792,362 of funding, the project will see key historic buildings revived and each step of the project will be community focused, with an accompanying cultural programme.

Councillor Michael Vincent, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development said: “The high street is the beating heat of any community and this money will allow us to revive shop fronts and bring back elements of Sir Peter Hesketh’s Fleetwood. The areas of the high street we have outlined in our submission have fantastic architectural heritage and we are so pleased that these will be restored to their former glory.” 

Spareparts Fleetwood 2018, CJGriffiths Photography

Many high streets are under pressure as more people choose to shop at out-of-town retail parks or online, forcing high street businesses to close down and buildings to become vacant. The special character of our historic high streets is suffering which threatens the local identity of our villages, towns and cities. 

Catherine Dewar, Historic England’s North West Regional Director said, “Our high streets bring people together. They are places to socialise, shop, run businesses and be part of our local community. When high streets suffer, the special, diverse character of our historic places and communities suffers too. Fleetwood high street has so much to offer those who already visit the town market and with some attention and creativity it will link to the market to become a thriving hub. With this funding from the Government, combined with the expertise and passion of local people, the council and Historic England, the future of Fleetwood’s high street is, thankfully, looking bright.”


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