I first encountered Emilia Zogo on Facebook when she posted about her lockdown photography and the fact that she had produced a zine. I thought it looked interesting, made contact and arranged to meet with her for a chat and to get my own copy of the Zine.
How did the Zine come about, and was it easy to produce?
I always dreamt of creating a Zine, but I’d planned my first one on a different topic. Due to the pandemic outbreak and the impact it created, I decided to create a Zine on this topic. The production itself was easy, but it was rather stressful without prior experience. The most difficult part was to pick the right photos and keep the Zine slim but informative.
How long have you been into photography?
Ever since I remember, the camera was always in my hands. It started as a simple play with a ‘flashy’ toy but as I grew up and I was about 10, I received my first analogue camera and I fell in love with it and photography. Photography has accompanied me since.

I believe you’re at Uni, studying photography. Is this something you’ve always wanted to do?
Yes, absolutely! When I was around 10-12, I knew photography was a life pathway. Since then, it was my dream. When I came to the UK around 9 years ago, I enrolled in college to improve my language skills. On top of that, I’ve attended private classes with native speakers to improve the language in order to start a Uni course and feel comfortable in the class.
With Covid, this year has been hard for anybody studying a practical subject. What particular challenges have you had to face?
I believe the worst part for me was the lack of access to a studio or the darkroom. For some time now, I’ve been practising analogue photography, so you can imagine how devastated I was when I couldn’t use the darkroom. Of course, the social part of it too – not having stationary classes and lacking the interaction with tutors and colleagues was challenging too.
Is there one particular genre of photography that draws you?
I wouldn’t want to ‘pigeonhole’ myself, as I practice in many genres but closest to my heart would be portraits, landscape, and street documentary.
Are you doing any personal projects right now, as well as your Uni work? If so, could you tell us a bit about them?
Yes, there are a few going around. Uni projects, collaboration with other photographers, and a few private ones related to my blog. When it comes to my blog projects, I plan on doing weekly posts about Blackpool, as I find this city beautiful and full of contrast. Some find ugly, but I see time, history, and potential
Is there a big project you’d like to do in the future?
Yes. It really relies on collaboration with other photographers, and one very personal but I can’t tell you more at this time.

I am guessing your ideal job after Uni would be something to do with photography. Have you any idea what it might be?
It is hard to say at the moment, as I had an idea where I wanted to work when I started the course, where now, due to knowledge, experience and growth these plans have changed. Therefore, I will revise the situation upon graduation, as I may develop different cravings over the next year.
Favourite photographers? Ones that have influenced you?
Stephen Shore and Patrick Demarchelier are my favourites but there are many more who inspire me daily.

Anything else you’d like to tell us about your work?
At the moment Uni work consumes most of my time but I am grateful that I can continue my course during the virus outbreak. I am trying my best to improve my knowledge and practice to be a good photographer and represent the Blackpool School of Arts to the highest standards. Projects wise, I hope people of Blackpool will be proud of my photos.
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She is amazing 😊 good job Emilia