
BFI launches a Blackpool film club to support young aspiring filmmakers

The BFI has launched a programme of film clubs across England to offer high quality learning about film and wider screen media to aspiring young people aged 12 to 15.
And the good news?
There’s one in Blackpool.

The BFI Film Clubs, which will run this spring and summer, will offer online experiences, alongside more traditional face-to-face learning where possible, in locations identified as ‘Opportunity Areas’ by the Department for Education (DfE) due to social and economic challenges.

Coming to Blackpool

The Blackpool Film Club is being hosted by Aunty Social and runs from 6 April 2021 – 19 June 2021. They will be delivering activities alongside Blackpool and The Fylde College, whose Film Studies staff will give expert tuition and the Magic Club, who will provide youth worker support.

The film club is free for young people living in Blackpool and activities include learning how films are made, trying various skills including scriptwriting, model-making, filming on location, cinematography and video editing. Participants’ films will be shown at a big showcase event where friends and family can watch them on the big screen.

The BFI Film Clubs programme is a pilot co-funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) Youth Accelerator Fund and the BFI through National Lottery funding. It links up with other existing BFI funded initiatives delivered across the UK which give people the opportunity to build a lifelong relationship with film, television and the moving image.  It’s all about increasing good quality education, skills, training and careers guidance through a range of activities for young people.

Caroline Dinenage, Creative Industries Minister, said: “Learning about film and storytelling should be for everybody and initiatives like this one are absolutely vital to strengthen the screen skills pipeline. With our support, the BFI is creating opportunities for the producers, directors, writers and designers of the future to fall in love with film this summer.”

What does the BFI do?

Since 1933, the British Film Institute is the UK’s lead organisation for film, television and the moving image. It is a distributor of National Lottery funding and a cultural and education charity. It curates and presents a huge public programme of world cinema in cinemas, at festivals and online and cares for the BFI National Archive. – the most significant film and television archive in the world. It also supports filmmakers and the UK film industry.

It’s hoped that these new BFI Film Clubs will inspire the next generation of filmmakers. Leigh Adams, Director of Education and Skills at the BFI, said that clubs can give: “… young people who might feel that it’s not for them, or that it’s an impossible dream, the chance to explore a range of films and other screen-based media.”  Providing a real understanding of what goes into making films and sharing the breadth of job roles available.

Not in Blackpool?

The BFI Film Clubs which are open to the public are located in Blackpool, Bradford, Doncaster, Fenland and East Cambridgeshire, Ipswich, Minehead, West Somerset, Norwich, Scarborough

BFI Film Clubs at Pupil Referral Units will take place in Bradford, Derby – Newton’s Walk PRU,  Fenland – TBAP Unity Academy, Ipswich – Raedwald Trust, Norwich, Oldham – Kingsland PRU and Stoke-on-Trent – Reach Academy.

The majority of film clubs will take place in school holidays and at weekends, while seven will be held at pupil referral units (PRUs). Details of the BFI Film Clubs, including booking information, can be found at https://www.bfi.org.uk/filmclubs


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