Creative Lives is a registered charity that champions community and volunteer-led creative activity, and works to improve opportunities for everyone to be creative.
One of their main areas of work is celebrating and promoting the ways that people express themselves creatively with others, recognising the benefits this kind of activity can bring.
Creative Lives is meeting with the Arts Council to share the experiences and needs of the creative voluntary sector and need you to tell them what you think is important.
They want to connect the different parts of the cultural landscape, so that everyone has the opportunity to improve their quality of life through regular participation in creative activity.
“We’d like to hear how well-connected your group feels to other arts organisations in your area, and whether you would like any specific support from professional arts institutions that receive public funding.
We will use this evidence to inform our discussions with Arts Council England, Creative Scotland, the Arts Council of Wales, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Arts Council of Ireland.
So help us to help you, by telling us how your group engages with Arts Council-funded venues in your area.”
Header image courtesy of Tramshed Theatre Co.
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