
Exhibition: Structures by Kev Walsh

Thursday 13th April evening, I finish work, boots on and trot down for the service 3 bus to The Hive, for this excellent exhibition from former Blackpool Gazette and Citizen photographer, Kev Walsh. On arrival a good crowd are viewing the pictures, framed in thin black boxes which contrast the images to good effect.

These pictures have been taken over the last 18 months on Walsh’s Fylde Coast walks between the Ribble and Wyre estuaries. His award-winning shot of the beached Riverdance ferry is the exception, being taken in 2008.

All the images are brilliantly composed and executed with technical perfection. As the name suggests, they show a range of structures, from big to small, permanent and temporary.

Kev with the tools of the trade.

I ask Walsh if he combined his art photography with his professional life.

“It was more of a transition really,” he says. “After 35 years of running around, when I retired I wanted to do photography on my own terms, which is one of the reasons there’s no people, just things. I may drift back to photographing people at a later date.’

I enquire if there’s a plan in play:

“I don’t really have a plan, it’s really just suck it and see how it goes. I used to shoot stock and am still with the Getty agency, but that market is saturated now. Nowadays I use digital cameras. Black and white film might have become glamorous, but I remember not getting home until midnight after processing films after a match at Bloomfield Road. Processing my pictures at home on the computer is very convenient.”

Congratulations to Kev Walsh for putting this fine show together and to The Hive Arts team for hanging the pictures so beautifully. As ever the Hive Cafe team were also on hand with refreshments.

Somewhat abruptly, I dash for and just make the service 6 bus home, thus closing another very pleasant evening.


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    I have worked in the housing and transport professions for several local authorities, specialising in policy, strategy preparation and bid writing. Having always had an interest in film, the visual arts in general, theatre, music and lterature, I thought it would be good to combine the writing experience with these interests to contribute to altBlackpool. In addition to writing, my hobbies include watercolour and pastel painting, photography, woodwork, cycling and vegetable gardening.

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