
Call Out: Help artist with research project

A resident artist at Somerset House Studios in London, Sam Williams appeals to locals for help with his new work with Blackpool’s Abingdon Studios.

I am an artist with a practice that intertwines moving-image, collage, choreography, sound and writing. My ongoing research focuses on multispecies entanglements, ecological systems, bodies-as-worlds and folk mythologies and how they propose possibilities for present and future ways of non-human-centric living.

I am based in London where I am a resident at Somerset House Studios. I have presented work at institutions including Chisenhale Gallery, Arnolfini, Siobhan Davies Dance, Somerset House, Tate Britain, Studio Voltaire and South Kiosk (UK), She Will (Norway); Kino Arsenal, Akademie der Kunst, Tanzhalle Wisenberg and B3 Biennale (Germany).

This autumn I will be spending some time in Blackpool developing a new work to be shown at Abingdon Studios as part of their Work/Leisure residency program. As part of my research process, I am looking to have conversations with some local residents whose hobbies, jobs or interests intersect with my own.

Blackpool’s coastal landscape offers the chance to explore the unstable conditions of the shoreline and to find people who reflect this shifting mood within their work and leisure.

Blackpool’s coastal landscape offers the chance to explore the unstable conditions of the shoreline and to find people who reflect this shifting mood within their work and leisure activities and who represent the many guises of queerness in English coastal towns. For me this is a quality that embraces the humans and non-humans who are affected by the flow between coast and town and who make Blackpool their home.

I am particularly interested in connecting with those who work between the land and water (whether that is on the pier; fishing; beach-combing; swimming; carrying out scientific research or with marine life) or who occupy the coastal landscape in different ways during the day and night (drag performers; night-shift workers). I’m interested in people who may provide different points of entry to exploring the space between work and leisure, land and water, night and day – those shimmering parts you can’t quite pin down, whose appearance or form changes during these moments.

Practically, for the work itself, I am also interested in connecting with an actor/performer (any age, any gender presentation) who would be interested in performing a scripted monologue in the gallery space. 

For more information, please get in touch via email: [email protected].

 Visit: sam-w.com
 Follow: @s_a_m_w

Reclaim Blackpool - Mapping Sexual Harrasment
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