
998128_1409624795922914_1898198418_nHannah Nickson is a young, upcoming artist, who is trying to develop her clothing range, whilst being a full-time student. She was kind enough to find the time to answer some questions about herself and her work, which is now on sale at Shop Boutique in St. John’s Square.

Tell me a little about yourself and what you make.

I’m 17 years old, born and raised in Blackpool. I am currently studying a triple BTEC Extended Diploma in art and design at Blackpool Sixth Form, but I’m also the creator of Dead Pigeon. I make hand-printed t-shirts, cards, jumpers, all sorts of apparel. Each t-shirt is unique which is what Dead Pigeon is all about – we all hate seeing someone in the same shirt as us, lets face it , so we aim to make each one individual, to make the customer feel unique! Up until now, my favourite piece I’ve made, must be the tie-dye t-shirts.

What are your best sellers?

The coloured tops with the Dead Pigeon print are selling really well, which is good, as people must love them as much as I do! I feel dead pigeon is different from other apparels. The name stands out for one and the designs are different; they’re childish, but all ages love them! My best sellers are my Merry Christmas and Skeleton t-shirts – the quirky designs are going down a treat!

1391555_1423690257849701_2129018271_nWhere can our readers find your work?

Your readers can buy Dead Pigeon Apparel either from the Me&FYC Shop Boutique in St. John’s Square, Blackpool, by dropping me an email at [email protected] or by contacting me via my Facebook page.

What are your plans for 2014?

 Fingers crossed Dead Pigeon will be bigger and better! I am currently working on some designs for the new year, which is really exciting. Hopefully we’ll be involved with more pop-up shops and fairs because I love meeting the customers; theyre all so lovely and I can’t thank them enough for all the support they give!
Images provided by Dead Pigeon.
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