
I sit in the claustrophobic classroom, staring at a piece of paper that has been placed in front of me. The words ‘anthology’ and ‘poetry’ whirl through my mind like a spinning top of pretensions and sincerity. When I am home I scroll through my inbox, looking for opportunities to take my mind of this constant swirl of messed up prose. After by-passing countless advertisements for things that only exist on the internet, the only things left to grab my attention are school-work and an open mic poetry evening hosted by the Dead Good Poets.

I am actually a convert to poetry and this event is one that I am definitely looking forward to. Taking place at Number Five Cafe on 4 October, this open mic poetry event will be based around the theme of the famous Blackpool Illuminations.  Poets and writers don’t have to be restricted to this one subject however, this is only a guideline. The event begins at 6pm, the first half being a family friendly event and the later part of the evening being a more uncensored affair.

A seal of quality comes with the Dead Good Poets’ stamp and this will be no different. I for one am excited for this event. Why not join us this Friday? Come along and share your poetry.  In the meantime, you can read poetry, writing tips and general banter on the Dead Good Blog.



Reclaim Blackpool - Mapping Sexual Harrasment
  • Show Comments (1)

  • Christo Heyworth

    Well done, Kieran, and hope to meet you on Friday 11th. October for the Music Special.
    You are providing a really valuable service with short intros. such as this, and I like the Seal of Approval concept.
    Do carry on enjoying yourself and keeping newcomers (as well as “old hands”) informed and engaged.

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