Local martial arts clubs which are open-minded in their approach to the martial arts are invited to learn about the healing & destructive cycle of the meridian pressure points. Healing arts and martial arts go hand in hand; it is important that every martial artist learns how to treat injuries and prevent injuries which may have resulted from confrontations or practice sessions.
Terry Stevens, a private therapist practitioner, will be showing exactly how this is done. George Gauld, a renowned international instructor with over 30 years’ experience, will also be demonstrating the destructive cycle of the meridian system, by revealing pressure point locations, and nerve tagging techniques for combat.
A serious martial artist will want to learn how to do this to enhance both their own health and performance of themselves as well as that of their students. Only those in the very best of health will be able to keep up with the relentless pace of training. The superior skills gained from learning these healing arts will often translate into victory and success in the combat arena and for the schools who have taken part.
The idea behind ‘The Gathering’ is to highlight all the processes that are not usually taught in the UK martial arts clubs. The Primal Martial Arts System is intended to highlight these techniques and help bolt them onto whatever martial art style a student is learning.
George Gauld, Chief Instructor of the Primal Martial Arts System in Blackpool, who has organised the seminar with martial arts clubs in the Blackpool area said:
‘The Gathering’ is a workshop seminar that is open to all martial artists. We are going to help dispel some of the myths when it comes to the use of pressure points and the use of the meridian system in a combative environment. You don’t need any previous knowledge or experience, however, if you’re a serious martial artist, then this workshop is for you. We have instructors and students from different martial arts styles training with us, as what we teach can easily be bolted onto their existing systems with phenomenal results.
The Primal Martial Arts System is a combination of several Martial Arts styles, adapted for self-protection. It combines the following styles:
Hung Gar KungFu
Krav Maga
Keysi (KFM)
The Meridian Attack System
Plus several other weapons systems
‘The Gathering’ takes place on 24th November 2012 at PlayFootball, Garstang Road West, Blackpool, FY3 7JH between 13:00 and 16:00
Tickets cost £15 each but club instructors who bring 3 or more students coming to the event may attend for free. To book now go to www.primalmartialarts.co.uk (follow the links for seminars & workshops), or call George on 07545 284185 for more information.
If you are aged 14 years or older and would like to learn more about The Primal Martial Arts System, lessons take place every Wednesday night between 19:30 and 21:00 and Friday nights between 18:00 and 19:30 at PlayFootball Blackpool, Garstang Road West, Blackpool, FY3 7JH.
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