
Everyone an Artist, Everyone a Scientist


On the 1st and 2nd of October Fun Palaces will be popping up all over the UK. These free and fun events are all about making and creating together. We are incredibly excited because this year Blackpool Libraries are having their first ever Fun Palace.

Fun Palaces is a national campaign to put culture at the heart of every community. They believe that everyone is an artist and everyone is a scientist, and that being creative can positively effect change in our community and the wider world.

So, head to Blackpool Central Library on Saturday 1 October, and help them Light Up Your Library. They will be exploring the light, and magic which defines our fabulous town. Join them for a day of fun, interactive science and art activities themed around light.

Blackpool Libraries are also on the hunt for people with a science or art skill that could be shared with the community. They’re encouraging people to get in touch with them using the methods below.

You can contact Blackpool Libraries on Facebook, Twitter, or email [email protected]

Featured image courtesy of Chris Beard.

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