
Who Killed Santa Claus?

Who Killed Santa Claus?

The clocks have gone back, the evenings are dark and there’s a nip in the air as we head into November so what better time to enjoy some seasonal suspense? Blackpool Grand Theatre present a seasonal suspense perfect for a dark winter’s night when Who Killed Santa Claus? comes to town later this month.

The familiar faces of soap stars Kim Tiddy (The Bill, Hollyoakes) and Freya Copeland (Emmerdale) appear in what is set to be another hugely entertaining Talking Scarlett production.  The production, based on the 1971 play by Terrance Freely, follows Barbara Love, a famous TV star who is threatened by a menacing voice on her answering machine just before she hosts a Christmas party.  When she then receives a macabre present in a miniature coffin things take a terrifying twist.

As the stars from her TV show start to arrive, it becomes apparent that every single one of them has a motive to murder Barbara.  Throughout this cunningly plotted thriller, the tension mounts until the final spine tingling revelation …

Who Killed Santa Claus is less of a whodunit and more of a who’s going to do it, as the play packs in the suspense and the audience waits for the events to unfold.

A spokesperson for The Grand said “What better way to bridge the gap between Halloween and Christmas than with a seasonal murder mystery? As the nights draw in and there’s a chill in the air, this is the perfect drama to settle down to.  And, after talking Scarlet’s previous success, Who Killed Santa Claus is set to be another highly enjoyable and spooky mystery from these masters of suspense.  Lovers of a good mystery should not miss this.”

Theatre lovers can get their hands on great savings with 2 for 1 tickets available on opening night as well as 50 £12.50 tickets for under 26 year olds.

Who Killed Santa Claus runs at Blackpool Grand Theatre from Thursday 17 to Saturday 19 November.  Tickets and further information are available from www.blackpoolgrand.co.uk  or contact the box office on 01253 290190.

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