Blackpool is lucky in having retained its tramway system at all, when so many other places threw trams away only to spend a fortune reinstating their systems decades later. Not only that, we have both our new state-of-the-art trams and our older vehicles: over-night ‘the trams’ became ‘the heritage trams’. Able to operate in with the new trams around the resort core using specially adapted platforms, the heritage trams are now managed by a dedicated business unit within Blackpool Transport Services.
This all means that the good denizens of Blackpool can have access to Santa on the tram. In this case, the fully disabled accessible ‘Western Train’ tram, which is a fine feature of the Illuminations display. The Santa trams are now running and your last chance is Saturday 24 December. There is a gift for each child, plus juice; sherry and mince pies for the adults and all with unlimited tram rides. It’s £6 per adult and £3 per child. You’ll have to travel a fair way to get anything like this anywhere else and what a way to get the kids ready for Christmas Day.
The heritage trams are now a successful extra Blackpool attraction for both tram enthusiasts and holiday-makers. A versatile fleet includes open top vehicles for when the weather is clement. Refurbished vehicles are being brought on roster all the time and the fleet can be exchanged with other trams from museums including Beamish and Crich National Tramway Museum.
Tours run between 10am-4pm on Saturday 24 December and Santa will see as many children as possible during the times. You can board at the heritage tram stops at Pleasure Beach, Tower/North Pier, Cabin and Bispham and tickets can be purchased for cash only when you hop on. These vehicles are not just a tourist attraction; they’re there for the community all the year round. Enjoy!
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