
Christmas Gifts: When Fandoms Collide By Gareth Monger

When Fandoms Collide

This cleverly written book makes the perfect stocking filler for the loveable geek in your life. Talented, local artist and writer, Gareth Monger takes you on an adventure via his distinctive writing style, inventive plot and witty humour. The author of When Fandoms Collide tells us about his new book below:

Michelina: Please tells us a little about the book?

Gareth: It’s a 15,000-word spoof fan-fiction based on the idea that somebody wrote a crossover story involving two fandoms whose fans couldn’t be more different. Twilight was a literary sensation, but now that the buzz has evaporated, it’s remembered as a bit of teen fluff. It spawned a film series – and a few acting careers – and is generally blamed for ruining the vampire genre. Adventure Time, on the other hand, is an award-winning television series for children, but has an enormous adult following. Three-dimensional writing sets it apart and makes it immensely enjoyable and often touching. My story, ‘When Fandoms Collide’, sees characters from both worlds set against one another in a not-so-epic battle for territory and power. It’s sometimes grim, intentionally anticlimactic and sees bad things happen to dull people. I would like to think it’s also funny.

M: Who would this make an ideal gift for?

G: Its target audience started off as my work colleagues. They’re a pretty diverse bunch, but include fans of generally-offbeat fiction, those who like Adventure Time and those who dislike Twilight… obviously. But I’d like to think that anybody with a passing knowledge of those would get something out of it. There’s a couple of easter eggs in there for other films and series, too. (It’s probably not suitable for younger readers, owing to violence and the odd profanity.)

M: How much does it cost?

G: It costs £3.99. It’s a bargain; there are pictures and everything!

M: Please tell us a bit about yourself?

G: I came to Blackpool from Northeast Cambridgeshire in the late ’90s to study Scientific & Nature History Illustration. Since graduating, I’ve undertaken illustration and design work specialising in palaeontological reconstructions for museums and publishers. For my nine-to-five I’m a reprographic technician in a Blackpool print shop and when I’m not doing that, I’m blogging. I’m also a parent to some rather fine children.

M: And finally, where can people buy your product?

G: It’s available online from www.lulu.com, and from Charabanc in Blackpool.

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