
The Change Will Do You Good

Menopause The Musical

What do orcas, short-finned pilot whales and humans have in common? No? Well uniquely among animals the females of the species stop reproducing, and go through ‘the change’. There won’t be any cetaceans in the audience but the Grand Theatre promise a whale of a time when they bring the fabulously successful ‘Menopause – The Musical’ to Blackpool on 24 March.

MTM began as a small scale production debuted in an Orlando theatre in 2001. As word spread It quickly became a must see and has been staged across the world for the last sixteen years. It is estimated that over 11 million people have now seen a version of the show. The Blackpool date is part of a new UK nationwide tour this spring.

No fewer than 25 songs feature in a non-stop production ranging across hot flushes, night sweats, memory loss, chocolate binges, not enough sex, too much sex and plastic surgery. Four women meet at a department store sale, apparently with nothing in common, however the sale of a black lace bra soon stimulates comical heart-to-hearts.

The cast include Cheryl Fergison (Heather from EastEnders), Casualty’s Rebecca Wheatley and Ruth Berkeley from The Al Murray Show as well as Blackpool’s own Maureen Nolan.

The promotional material states that Menopausal or just in need of a laugh out loud kind of night, this show is a must see for all women. Of course this doesn’t preclude men from going along as well, there is however an advisory age restriction so over 16s only.

Doors open at 7.30pm on Friday 24 March. Tickets cost £25 to £28.50, and are available from the Grand Box Office on 01253 290111 or online at blackpoolgrand.co.uk

Reclaim Blackpool - Mapping Sexual Harrasment
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