
Make The Arts Summer With LeftCoast

CJGriffiths Photography - SpareParts image

If you have ever wanted to get involved in delivering arts events on the Fylde Coast now is your chance as LeftCoast launch their new ‘Makers’ scheme.

LeftCoast is an arts consortium which successfully delivered a three year programme of work on the Fylde Coast, and the Arts Council have provided funding for a further three years. The volunteer involvement is being refreshed, but expect the usual LeftCoast trademarks of exciting opportunities at large scale events.

If you haven’t experienced LeftCoast’s output it has included:

  • As The World Tipped, the thought provoking piece on climate change in 2014 using a revolving stage
  • Reinvention of circus as part of previous Showzam! festivals, with Circolombia in 2015 and Akoreacro in 2016
  • The SpareParts Festival as an adjunct to the Tram Sunday Fleetwood Transport Festival, now with an identity in its own right and going on the road across the North West in 2017

SpareParts is an ongoing part of the LeftCoast programme and the 2017 Fleetwood edition on 16 July will be one of the involvement opportunities. Others include Depart by Australian circus artists Circa which will be coming to Stanley Park on 1-4 June. Other opportunities later in the year will include IOU by Rear View, and in the autumn the home grown production of Kong Live.

Events are being held in the afternoon and evening of 5 April to give prospective new volunteers the full background. The afternoon session will be from 2-3.30pm, with a twilight session running from 6-7.30pm. Both are being held at Left Coast’s offices at FYCreatives on Church Street.

To register for either session email Kay Trayford at [email protected] with the time you would like to attend and any others you plan to bring along. Please note that volunteers have to be 18 or over.

Featured image courtesy of CJGriffiths Photography.

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