
Outdoor theatre at Lytham Hall

Hopeful & Glorious Fair at Lytham Hall

Question: What the Dickens are Dinosaurs doing in Lytham Hall? Are they taking the Mikado? Or is it just a case of the Emperor’s New Clothes?

Answer: Lytham Hall’s Open Air Theatre programme, in its eighth season this year, has something for everyone with a selection box of four very different open air shows!

Next in the series following Great Expectations which showed earlier this month, is The Lost World, the inspiration for the Jurassic Park story, brought to us by highly acclaimed Illyria Theatre Company, presenting artistic director Oliver Gray’s new production of Arthur Conan Doyle’s adventure story. On the same night the Lytham Community choir will entertain for 45 minutes before the show. All this on Sunday 9 July at 6.00 pm.

Oliver Gray, celebrating 25 years of his company, Illyria, last summer, looks forward to returning to one of their favourite venues once again. He said, “It was a delight to see for myself the enthusiasm of our army of loyal followers on the Lancashire coast. The news of our production of The Lost World is meeting with much approval. Dinosaurs seem to have a universal fascination and appeal to all ages. The audience will need to watch out!”

Illyria returns with Gilbert and Sullivan’s most acclaimed comic opera, The Mikado, on Sunday 20 August at 6.00 pm and will be one of around 50 open air dates at venues throughout the country during their summer tour.

Finally another family summer treat to complete the programme! Illyria present The Emperor’s New Clothes, one of Hans Christian Andersen’s most popular fairy tales on Bank Holiday Sunday 27 August at 4.00 pm.

Last summer’s family show at Lytham Hall, Danny, the Champion of the World, drew the biggest attendance of Illyria’s nationwide tour to 80 venues!

For all shows….Gates open for picnics 2 hours before each play. Remember to bring your own low-backed seating, a rug and suitable clothing. There is free parking close to the arena and refreshments and a licensed bar. Be prepared for any weather as cancellation only happens in the case of hurricane!


So get your picnic basket packed and apply lashings of suncream/waterproof clothing (delete where not applicable) and get yourself down to Lytham Hall this summer for some splendid entertainment!

For more information or to book tickets visit lowtherpavilion.co.uk or call 01253 794221


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