
Grand Theatre Seeks Vloggers

Grand Theatre

Blackpool’s Grand Theatre is all set to launch its new Vlog channel, gVlog. Now the theatre is looking for lively, enthusiastic Vloggers who love live entertainment to appear on it as guest presenters.

Hosted by radio presenter and Grand Theatre fan, Hayley Kay, gVlog is part of the Grand’s gPlayer project.

The Grand would like to hear from Vloggers of all ages who are keen to share their viewpoints, including young people (18-26), families, couples and seniors. You don’t need experience of presenting or of being in front of a camera. Just bring an engaging presence, an enthusiasm for live entertainment and a desire to share your views on the shows.

Review a Wide Range of Live Entertainment

As a Grand Vlogger, you’ll be invited as a guest to the theatre’s shows. So you can expect to review a wide range of thrilling live entertainment. You may even head out of town to see productions before they come the Grand Theatre. That means you’ll be able to give Blackpool a sneak preview of the shows we can look forward to. You’ll also create vlogs on other fascinating aspects of Grand Theatre life. For example, you may vlog about photographic sessions, behind the scenes tours, meeting the casts of shows and sitting in on rehearsals. You could even find yourself at one of the Grand’s famous creative workshops where you’ll be rubbing shoulders with international choreographers, writers and directors!

To be considered, record a two-minute audition clip and send it over to to [email protected]

To learn more about the benefits of being a Grand Vlogger and for tips on making your audition clip, be sure to check out the information on the Grand Theatre and VisitBlackpool pages.

Good luck!


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