The Blackpool Museum project has issued a progress bulletin ahead of the Christmas break. They have been exploring and costing a range of new site options for the museum. During this process they have also approached to be part of a new development on the Promenade. After considering the options in detail the Project Board chose the Palatine Building as the preferred site.
The Palatine Building is a landmark building on the promenade between the Tower and Coral Island. It currently houses the Sands Venue and Wild West Diner. The building is being developed by Coolsilk Property and Investment Limited into a 5*hotel and leisure complex – the first in Blackpool.
The museum will occupy the first floor of the building with its own ground floor entrance located on Bank Hey Street. The team are working on a couple of funding bids totalling £8.4 million as fundraising continues towards the revised project total of £13 million.
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[Image – artist’s impression of the front of the planned museum, copyright Buttress 2017]
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