
Radio Wave team digs for Winter Gardens green victory

People’s carbon footprint tends to be a lot bigger than they think: all credit to the Winter Gardens for recognising this and putting an off-set plan in place. Not only that, it’s being carried through, not just blathered on about with no actual action. As well as looking beautiful, young and growing trees lock up carbon taken from the atmosphere. And this is not the only action being taken.

Hayley and Scott, Radio Wave’s incomparable breakfast team, have taken delight in planting the first of many such trees, this one sited in our lovely Stanley Park where it will be valued for decades to come.

Winter Gardens Managing Director, Michael Williams, commented:

It’s recognised that the Winter Gardens uses a lot of energy and also traditional printed media to ensuring its events are a success and that these impacts can be addressed. As well as our responsible waste minimising ordering policy, the new planting scheme allows us to offset the venue’s environmental impact and make a positive impact for both the community and environment.

Recently a lot of work has gone into a number of community education and environmental schemes. These initiatives provide new vigour in ensuring the Winter Gardens remains as a recognised community hub and source of Blackpool pride.

The planting scheme could see up to 20 trees donated each year, to be sited and maintained by the council’s expert community and environmental department. Other measures include: recycling advertising banners into reusable shopping bags; a phased withdrawal of single use plastics; investing in new energy and resource efficient building management and performance systems.

Additionally a new range of enhanced community focused schemes include an education programme with SellADoor, producers of Peter Pan and Flashdance, has been established. This introduces students to the entertainment world, from set and costume design to sales and marketing. The scheme will be expanded during 2018, bringing opportunity to many more young people.

Congratulations to the Winter Gardens team for putting this much needed package together; hopefully it will give others a lead. I’m sure Hayley and Scott are looking forward to donning their wellies to plant many more trees.

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    I have worked in the housing and transport professions for several local authorities, specialising in policy, strategy preparation and bid writing. Having always had an interest in film, the visual arts in general, theatre, music and lterature, I thought it would be good to combine the writing experience with these interests to contribute to altBlackpool. In addition to writing, my hobbies include watercolour and pastel painting, photography, woodwork, cycling and vegetable gardening.

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