
In My Minds Eye at The Art Break Hotel

Mental Health and awareness of its impact on everyday life has become a hot-button political topic in recent years. According to the 2014 Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, one in six adults has a Common Mental Disorder, such as Depression, Anxiety or an eating disorder. It is an issue which has found greater focus in the workplace, at home and in the halls of Parliament.

With this increased focus comes a drive to express what living with one of these conditions is like. The ArtBreak Hotel in South Shore will be presenting In My Minds Eye, an exhibition of art and poetry until this Sunday. This exhibition looks to challenge perceptions around mental health issues, from how common they are to the impact they can have, to the myriad forms they take. Living with one of these issues can be a very individual experience, and an isolating one, so the exhibition should also provide a sense of unity and solidarity.

S.T.A.R Mental Health support group have created the artworks for the showing, and invite audiences to “see the world as WE do. A journey from darkness into light, and all the colours in between”.

In My Minds Eye is available until this Sunday 9 September at Art Break Hotel, Woodfield Road, South Shore. The venue would like to make audiences aware that, due to the nature of the exhibition, some themes and content may be upsetting. For further information contact ArtBreak Hotel on 01253 365400


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