With some scientists warning that by 2050 the plastic in our oceans will outweigh fish, Cleveleys looks to prevent marine litter by partnering up with Green Seas Trust.
If you take a wander along Cleveley’s seafront you might spot the new bin that has been installed to encourage residents and visitors to throw their plastic bottles in. Funded by the Rotary Club for North Fylde and District Enforcement, the bin is part of Green Seas Trust’s latest project: BinForGreenSeas.
Designed by the University of East London, the bins are quickly becoming an iconic symbol on the English coast, representing a can-do attitude. If used correctly the bin will throw our seas and creatures that live within them a lifeline.
In the UK, 7.7 billion plastic water bottles are used each year and of that figure 700,000 are littered every day. A significant part of this comes from bottles being either carelessly discarded or improperly disposed. The drinks bottles and food wrappings left on the beach, the unwanted plastic bags left to drift in the winds; they all add up to an estimated 12.7 million tons of plastic that enters our oceans each year.
Discussing the new bin, Cllr Simon Bridge, Portfolio Holder for Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces, said that “We’re happy to partner up with the Green Seas Trust to install this brand new bin on Cleveleys sea front. By separating these plastic bottles from the rest of the litter, they can be recycled much more easily.”
“Protecting our environment for future generations is important to us and these bins will help us keep our bathing waters clean.”
“We’d like to thank Rotary Club North Fylde for contributing towards the bin with District Enforcement and in turn supporting great work in our community.”

Brian Ward, from Rotary Club North Fylde, was pleased to see the attractive new bin in situ on the seafront after the club made a contribution towards its installation “We especially loved the bright and colourful design of the bins and hope that it will encourage children to dispose of their litter responsibly.”
“We believe it will be one more thing to help keep our beaches clean and a contributor to reducing the plastic pollution of our seas.”
Speaking on behalf District Enforcement, who also contributed to the installation of the bin, Managing Director, Dyl Kurpil commented on the large number of visitors seen across the Fylde coast in recent months “With the increase in beach users, it has never been more crucial to keep our beaches looking their best for all to enjoy.
“I am confident that providing the community with this addition will encourage both visitors to, and residents of Cleveley’s seafront to play an active role in keeping such a beautiful seafront clean and tidy.”
Keep an eye out for the bin, which is located on Plaza at the top of Victoria Road West, Cleveleys.
Find out more about Green Seas Trust’s BinForGreenSeas project.
Photo credits: Wyre Council
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