
Photo Gallery: Small Pleasures During Lockdown, Jill Reidy

As for many people around the world, this year has been one of the most difficult I’ve had to endure.  However, I’m one of the lucky ones – so far. Although some members of the family have succumbed to Covid, nobody in my circle has died or even been afflicted badly, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.  I’m also fortunate in that I’m pretty self-contained, and actually quite happy with my own company.  I’m never bored, I can always find something to do, but I’m also very aware that I wouldn’t like to remain in this situation forever.
I’m a people person, I’m a hugger, I thrive on human contact and conversation, and that’s what I miss most.  I’ve done a lot of thinking during this time, it’s given me breathing space.  Having to focus on small pockets of pleasure has made me realise that it really is the little things that count.
The little things that keep me going. Brews
Another unexpected and kind gift
Phone calls with my mum
Flowers in the house, even dead ones
Surprise gifts
Reading more than ever
Looking for images to share I find food and drink feature quite heavily.  Even more so than usual.  Not only are meals and brews something to savour but they also punctuate the day and give it some sort of structure. Likewise, daily exercise in any form.  I’m not into gyms or swimming or anything organised, but I do love to get outside, and that need has been satisfied by cycling and walking, mainly along the prom which is two minutes away.  It also gives me my regular dose of nature: the sea in all its forms; calm and still; wild and windy, filling my lungs with salty air and spray.
Throughout the months I’ve both sent and received little gifts.  A few weeks ago I received two in one day. They both gave me little shots of pleasure and still do.  I’ve always loved reading, but I’ve also gone back to old hobbies, like sewing and knitting.  Lying on the sofa next to my husband in the evening, knitting needles click-clacking makes me feel happier than I ever imagined.
The garden
Baking with the grandchildren - between lockdowns
Remembrance Sunday - two minutes of proper thought
At the beginning of Lockdown, I tried Zoom a few times.  I hated it and refused to do it after those first attempts.  Phone calls, messages, texts and emails are a different matter.  I love the connection – it’s the next best thing to being together.  I phone my 92-year-old mum every day, and although neither of us has much real news it’s a way of checking up on each other and passing a little bit of time.  We stopped FaceTiming when all I could see was my mum’s ear or the top of her head……
I’ve always appreciated the small pleasures in my life, but one thing I’ve learned in the past few months is that the small pleasures gradually became the large ones.
A new toy
Taking up old hobbies
Taking phone pictures
Seeing the beaches empty but beautiful
Empty washing baskets
Food - healthy and otherwise
Walking the prom
Cosy nights on the sofa with the husband and my knitting


Reclaim Blackpool - Mapping Sexual Harrasment
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