Thursday 6th July 2023 and once more I finished work and made the 18:08 bus down to The Hive for Amanda Aiton’s excellent digital photography exhibition. Afterwards we had a quick chat about using film, a whole new world of photography for her.
Mostly of the natural world and creatures around Blackpool, these pictures are beautifully composed and framed. Where black and white has been employed, the contrast is spot on; where colour, the images are vibrant. The images have a distinct otherworldly quality. These would grace any wall.
People were browsing, loving and purchasing these photographs, shot under Amanda’s guise as Little Wing Photography.
After I’d sunk a lovely cup of Hive tea and taken my photographs for this article, I spoke to Amanda. What was behind these images?
“During the Covid lockdown, I started using my one hour per day exercise allowance to visit Stanley Park with my camera, photographing birds and squirrels. I got to know some of them. This really helped my mental health during what was a difficult time, it’s really calming. I hope that this shows up well in these photographs.
“In addition, I do enjoy macro-photography and the mindful experience that is microscopy. It’s just nice getting really close to the subject. Normally people would just walk past – this makes you stop and look closer and I really enjoy that.”
Amanda’s passion for her subjects and chosen medium comes out in these fine pictures. The exhibition can be viewed in the The Hive Urban Farm Shop and cafe, Church Street, Blackpool until 17th August 2023.
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