
This Thursday sees the first 2013 event from local artists’ network SAND at Caffe Dolce. The event, which runs from 6pm to 8pm at Caffe Dolce, is Cafe Consultancy and is based on a training activity used across Europe, where attendees can get advice on a range of professional subjects. There will be a range of topics being covered with everything from lottery and international funding to Arts Awards and branding, promotion and insurance. What’s more, you’ll get your first coffee of the evening free of charge.

We spoke to Laura Brennan, local artist and facilitator of SAND, who said:

As artists we will spend hours holed up in our studios pouring over the tiniest details of a piece, we will wrestle with machinery and get obsessed with creating the most particular of colours. But when it comes to getting our work out there; the legal stuff, the promotion, the funding, well it’s quite honestly terrifying. Cafe Consultancy hopes to provide artists and arts organisations with the contacts and knowledge to start to get their work out there!

As well as being an opportunity for local artists and creatives to speak to experts on a one-to-one basis about a range of topics there will be time for networking and sharing information in the relaxed and informal surroundings of Caffe Dolce.

For those of you who haven’t heard of SAND, it stands for Supporting the Arts through Networking and Development and provides a range of support, learning opportunities and chances to find out about and influence local strategy for the arts locally. Membership of SAND is chargeable on an annual basis and gives you access to a minimum of four network meetings, three training events, six peer critique sessions and the chance to exhibit in a members only exhibition.

Cafe Consultancy is free of charge to any existing members of SAND or for non-members is £10 for the session. For more information visit the Cafe Consultancy Facebook event, the SAND Facebook page or go online to the SAND website at sand-nw.com.


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